Hard Freeze Warning: Prepare Your Home

Winter at HomeIt looks as though we will get our first taste of winter weather here on the Gulf Coast tonight. So, before those freezing temperatures come into play, give your Fort Walton Beach long term rental a quick once over so that you, your family and your home are prepared for that arctic blast.

With that in mind, it’s time to address your heater and double check those air filters. While we recommend you change these monthly, now would be a good time to consider replacing the filter is you have not already.

Next on the list of to-do’s: the condensing unit. You’d be surprised to find how far breathable, waterproof cover can go to extend the life and efficiency of the unit. While you are outside, be sure to shut off exterior faucets and insulate exposed piping to prevent your pipes from bursting.

Still have questions? Contact our Gulf Coast property managers for more information on how to keep your home warm and functional throughout the winter season.

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Tags: Home Tips property managers