Finding a Roommate For Your Rental

iStock_000018477573Medium-347x231It is true that living with a roommate can be a pain or a joy, but the one reason we choose to do it is to save money on expenses at your South Walton long term rental.

Deciding whether or not a roommate is for you is hard enough as it is, but finding the right one can feel like an impossible task. Let us be honest, no one wants to relive that one random roommate who never picked up or pitched in. The best thing you can do is research – similar to the kind that landlords and property managers will do with cialis online mastercard you.

If you are looking for a roommate, you need to ask some hard questions before you sign on the dotted line. You need to know what you can live with and what you cannot. For instance, what type of atmosphere do you prefer to have at home?

Once you have narrowed it down and screened for reliability, remember to agree on the big stuff that includes how you rent will be split, who will pay it and so on.

Did you know that you can apply to be a roommate on the Southern Residential Leasing tenant application? Call 1.877.342.1605 to learn more.

Categories: News

Tags: Long term rentals roommate