Importance of Tenant Screening

iStock_000018477573Medium-347x231Those who are familiar with the Pensacola property management industry all ready know the importance of tenant screening. It is a critical part of the rental process that determines the success of any company, realtor or investor. This is because (1) it protects your income and (2) there are legal ramifications associated if the process isn’t followed to a T.

There are two things to consider when screening tenants so that you keep your rentals fully occupied and yourself out of court.

The first of these two things revolves around consistency. It is important to have a systematic approach that you can apply objectively to every applicant. Set minimum generic cialis usa pharmacy qualifications and requirements. At the very least, lease applications should include employment, income, credit history, social security and drivers’ license numbers and landlord references.

Another important thing to keep in mind is transparency. Make sure that all applicants know the monthly rental amount, lease terms, maintenance obligations, pet-fees and anything else before an agreement is signed.

Tenant screening and procurement is one of the many things our property managers at Southern Residential Leasing can offer you. If you have condos or homes for rent in Mobile, Pensacola or Destin, contact our offices today for more details on our services and how we can keep your property rented.

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